He is doing so well in training that all the kids say, “Jungkook is the strength,” and he is sticking with me and giving me a lot of support and strength 翻訳アプリにぶっ込んだら確かにmeだわ もしthe kidsが主語なら複数形じゃないとおかしいからこのheはグクだよね
He is doing so well in training that all the kids say, “Jungkook is the strength,” and he is sticking with me and giving me a lot of support and strength 翻訳アプリにぶっ込んだら確かにmeだわ もしthe kidsが主語なら複数形じゃないとおかしいからこのheはグクだよね
He is doing so well in training that all the kids say, “Jungkook is the strength,” and he is sticking with me and giving me a lot of support and strength
もしthe kidsが主語なら複数形じゃないとおかしいからこのheはグクだよね
He is doing so well in training that all the kids say, “Jungkook is the strength,” and he is sticking with me and giving me a lot of support and strength
もしthe kidsが主語なら複数形じゃないとおかしいからこのheはグクだよね